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Technical assistance for the implementation of two RECs in the municipality of Carignano (TO)

Italia | Piemonte | Carignano

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Comuni di: Carignano - Castagnole Piemonte - Lombriasco - Osasio - Pancalieri - Virle Piemonte,


19 luglio 2022

Data inizio

30 giugno 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
Energy transition
Public Administration
Piano economico finanziario
Assistenza tecnica al RUP
Comunità energetiche rinnovabili
Assistenza tecnica
Fonti energia rinnovabile (FER)
Studio di fattibilità
echnical feasibility study based on consumption, energy needs, and sharing potential of the Municipality of Carignano and others minor municipalities it leads. Technical assistance in choosing the most suitable primary energy substation for the implementation of the REC, subsequently aggregating the data collected during the citizen engagement activities through public presentations and expressions of interest. Development of a forecasted business plan useful for evaluating the impact of establishing the project on the territory. The activity also includes presenting the best possible legal configuration for the establishment of the REC.
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