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NESOI – New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands

Belgio | Estero | Bruxelles

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

70 Isole in 12 paesi europei


1 ottobre 2019

Data inizio

29 febbraio 2024

Data fine


Stato progetto
Mobility and Logistics
Networks and Public Utilities
Energy transition
Public Administration
Progetti europei
Efficienza energetica
Comunità energetiche rinnovabili
Assistenza tecnica
Fonti energia rinnovabile (FER)
Studio di fattibilità
NESOI is a Technical Assistance platform, led by Sinloc, set up to support European islands in their decarbonisation and energy transition process.
The project provided technical, economic, legal and financial assistance as well as grant resources for on-site consultancy to 54 projects and in 70 European islands, selected through public tenders.


The topic of energy transition is of crucial importance in Europe and although funds are available on the market for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, many projects struggle to be implemented. Particularly on islands, barriers to implementation are dictated by specificity factors that include: the fragmentation of projects and/or the low unit cost of technology to reach critical mass; the lack of coordination between local authorities and the limited development of synergies between projects; low awareness of funding opportunities; and the scarcity of technical skills and/or human resources dedicated to project development and coordination.

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