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Consultancy service for pre-feasibility analysis regarding in-house management of school catering

Italia | Toscana | Firenze


Società del gruppo

Comune di Firenze, Servizio Supporto alle Attività Educative e Scolastiche


10 luglio 2023

Data inizio

31 dicembre 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
Nutrition and Health
Public Administration
Mense e Piani del cibo
Pre-analysis service and evaluation of the transition from a management model of the school catering contract to an internal (in-house).
The economic, technical and organizational aspects were analyzed, identifying a chronoprogram for the implementation of the passage, this allowed the City of Florence to have all the elements to evaluate the transition to a service managed internally, with the aim of improving the quality of meals and promoting food education.


At the end of the analysis and technical economic and financial evaluation of the 15 Cooking Centres, the need emerged from the Education Directorate of the City of Florence, an in-depth analysis of the possible transition from a contracted school catering management model to an in-house one.


The consulting activities of CibuSalus covered the following aspects:
- analysis of the current management model of the school food service in the City of Florence and of different management models, including in-house management;
- analysis of the Company that will be indicated by the Contracting Authority as the preferred interlocutor for the possible entry of the City of Florence in an investee company already present in the metropolitan city;
- analysis of the benefits to the community, the related externalities and the economic appropriateness of the service;
- definition of the "equilibrium cost" of the meal;
- identification of the timeline needed to implement the project;
- preparation and drafting of the report useful for preliminary discussion with the Italian Court of Auditors;
- study inherent to the staffing requirements for the new corporate structure;
- impact of the entry of the City of Florence into an investee company on the entity's budget.


Sono stati valutate la congruità economica, tecnica, gestionale e organizzativa della gestione in house della refezione scolastica del Comune di Firenze e identificato un cronoprogramma per l’attuazione di tale scenario.
Tali analisi hanno permesso di proseguire l’iter di valutazione del Comune di passaggio ad un servizio di refezione scolastica gestito direttamente, con circa 20.000 pasti al giorno.
L’obiettivo del Comune è garantire una qualità sempre maggiore del pasto, oltre a curare l’educazione alimentare, la stabilità dei lavoratori e lo sviluppo della filiera corta coinvolgendo le aziende del territorio.

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