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Ver Capital Sinloc Energy Transition Fund

Italia | Lombardia | Milano

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Ver Capital Sinloc Energy Transition Fund


20 settembre 2020

Data inizio

1 gennaio 1753

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Fund Management
Mobility and Logistics
Urban regeneration
Energy transition
Partenariato Pubblico Privato
Efficienza energetica
Ver Capital Sinloc Energy Transition Fund is an alternative investment fund characterized by an impact investing platform in the energy transition sector, promoted by Ver Capital Sgr, with the support of Sinloc as technical advisor.
The investment strategy is focused on energy efficiency initiatives, sustainable mobility and projects in public networks and renewable energy and is expected to yield 8/10% net.
The fund is classified by Art. 9 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 SFDR, with a clear strategy of impact investing and sustainable investments.
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