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Technical assistance to the Po Delta Park for the allocation of PNRR resources

Italia | Veneto | Ariano nel Polesine

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Parco Delta del Po


1 settembre 2022

Data inizio

31 ottobre 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
5.500.000,00 €
Art, Culture and Tourism
Mobility and Logistics
Public Administration
Assistenza tecnica
Configurazione progetti strategici
Technical assistance to the Po Delta Regional Park in the process of defining the optimal modalities of allocation of 55 million euros of resources of the National Plan for Complementary Investments to the PNRR, as «great cultural attractor»in particular in the evaluation of the project proposals and in the definition of the organizational structure of the Authority in the management of the expenditure and reporting phases.


Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo supports the Ente Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po through the specialized technical assistance service of Sinloc.
The objective of the project is the best implementation of the Integrated Project for the enhancement of the attractiveness of the areas of the Po Delta, contained within the Strategic Plan Great cultural attractors, as part of the National Plan for Investments Complementary to the PNRR.


Support in the dialogue with the Ministries responsible for defining the rules of allocation, use and reporting of resources
Support in the comparison with the Veneto Region and the Emilia-Romagna Region for the definition of territorial distribution criteria
Definition of optimal procedural options for resource allocation
Support in information and preliminary comparison activities with potential beneficiaries of resources
Support in the evaluation of project proposals received
Definition of the organizational structure of the Park Authority in the management of the expenditure and reporting phases.


The intervention of Sinloc is aimed at the implementation of the integrated project to enhance the attractiveness of the areas of the Po Delta, which aims to strengthen the tourist attraction and contribute to the development of the Delta areas through a series of interventions that, in a synergistic way, act along three main lines of action: intermodality and cycling, paths and enhancement of the historical-cultural and museum, nature and hiking trails
The Park Authority is the recipient of 55 million euros for the implementation of the interventions and will be supported by Sinloc in the process of defining the optimal methods of allocation of resources.

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