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Technical assistance for the implementation of the “SmartFood” system action of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan

Italia | Sardegna | Cagliari


Società del gruppo

Città Metropolitana di Cagliari


12 dicembre 2022

Data inizio

11 dicembre 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
Nutrition and Health
Public Administration
Mense e Piani del cibo
Assistenza tecnica
Assistenza tecnica nell'elaborazione del Piano del Cibo per la Città Metropolitana di Cagliari (Smartfood).
Il Piano è stato elaborato attraverso una metodologia partecipativa che ha permesso di recepire i bisogni del territorio sui temi della: lotta allo spreco, gestione delle mense scolastiche, attività di educazione alimentare e valorizzazione dei prodotti del territorio.
Il Piano del Cibo è il documento che guiderà le politiche alimentari del territorio attraverso 31 azioni concrete, coerenti con le politiche europee e nazionali.


CibuSalus assisted the client in defining priorities and developing the Food Plan, the strategic document promoting sustainable food systems in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari.


Through a participatory methodology, institutions, businesses, citizens, and other stakeholders were actively involved, with the aim of analyzing the metropolitan context by identifying its strengths and territorial needs.
Main activities carried out:
- Organization of a launch event for the Cagliari Metropolitan City Food Plan Implementation Project.
- Organization of 3 participatory living labs on food waste, food education activities, and enhancement and promotion of short supply chain products.
- Administration of monitoring questionnaires on the organizational and management models of the school canteen system to the 17 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area
- Development of Nutrition and Food education recommendations for the Metropolitan City of Cagliari.


CibuSalus supported the Client in prioritizing and drafting the Food Plan, the strategic document promoting sustainable food systems in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari.Understanding the territorial needs and priorities through stakeholder consultation was the basis for drafting the Cagliari Metropolitan City Food Plan. The Plan includes the definition of 31 actions, developed according to four general objectives that the Metropolitan City will pursue in the coming years:
1. Promote food as an educational and social resource
2. Promote healthy food
3. Incentivize food as a tool for sustainability
4. Support the development of a local economy based on enhancing territorial products.

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