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Technical assistance aimed at the realization of a REC in the municipality of Pistoia

Italia | Toscana | Pistoia

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Partenariato guidato da Comune di Pistoia


22 novembre 2022

Data inizio

31 dicembre 2025

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Energy transition
Public Administration
Comunità energetiche rinnovabili
Assistenza tecnica
Fonti energia rinnovabile (FER)
Studio di fattibilità
Technical feasibility study starting from consumption, energy requirements and the potential of sharing the city of Pistoia, thanks to the support of Fondazione CR Pistoia and Pescia.
Subsequent aggregation of the data collected during the activity of citizen involvement, through public presentation and subsequent expression of interest, with the aim of creating a forward-looking business plan useful for assessing the impact of the establishment of RECs on the territory.
The project also provides support for the choice of legal entity for the establishment of RECs.
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