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Salina (TWEETS project) – NESOI

Italia | Sicilia | Santa Marina Salina

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Assemblea Territoriale Idrica di Messina


4 agosto 2022

Data inizio

4 agosto 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
8,40 €
Networks and Public Utilities
Energy transition
Public Administration
Progetti europei
Assistenza tecnica
Technical-economic feasibility study, developed within the European Facility NESOI, for the constant water supply in the island of Salina, through desalination plants.
The TWEETS project explored the possibility of solving the problem of dependence on transport of water by tank ships, through two possible solutions: the construction of three desalination plants, one for each municipality, or the construction of a single desalination plant, to service the entire island, located in the municipality of Leni, both powered by energy from renewable sources.
Water self-sufficiency will enable primary energy savings of almost 17,000 MWh/year.
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