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Research & Innovation Fund

Italia | Sardegna | Sassari

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Imprese del Mezzogiorno


7 agosto 2018

Data inizio

31 dicembre 2023

Data fine


Stato progetto
Fund Management
Education and Innovation
Investors and Financial institutions
Assistenza tecnica
Management, in collaboration with Banco di Sardegna, of the Research & Innovation Fund (62mln€) set up by MIUR under PON R&I 2014-2020, with the aim of financing research and development projects carried out by companies in southern Italy. Fourteen companies have been financed for approx. 8.5mln€.
Sinloc carried out scouting activities, verification of the coherence of the projects with the guidelines of PON R&I 2014-20 and economic-financial evaluation of the submitted initiatives.


Providing finance for projects of companies promoting research and development projects in Southern Italy, a sector that struggles to find finance on traditional credit channels.


The fund can intervene through debt or equity to support private companies pursuing research and development projects. It is a revolving fund, which does not constitute state aid, whose funds can be repaid over up to 12 years. The Fund can intervene with amounts between 250k€ and 6.2mln€.


The Research & Innovation Fund financed 14 enterprises for approx. 8.5mln€.

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