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Progetto Naonis Srl

Italia | Friuli Venezia Giulia | Pordenone

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Comune di Pordenone


30 novembre 2020

Data inizio

30 settembre 2034

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
5.600.000,00 €
Energy transition
Public Administration
Partenariato Pubblico Privato
Public Private Partnership project for energy efficiency and management of more than 75 properties including schools, sports facilities, and offices owned by the City of Pordenone.
The operation requires an investment of 5.6 million euros and the interventions include photovoltaic systems, remote control systems, and the replacement of old boilers.
The interventions reduce primary energy consumption by 3,435 MWh per year, corresponding to 742 tons of CO2 emissions avoided.
Sinloc plays the role of equity partner (80% stake in the SPV) and financial economic advisor.


Sinloc and Siram, a company belonging to the French Veolia Group, have formed a Project Company (SPV) to take over the Concession with the City of Pordenone for the energy efficiency and management of more than 75 properties including schools, sports facilities, offices and cultural buildings, owned by the City.

The operation, in which Sinloc has an 80 percent stake, requires an investment of €5.6 million.

The identified interventions will reduce the primary energy consumption of the buildings by 3,435 MWh per year, corresponding to the annual consumption of 178 households and 742 tons of CO2 emissions avoided.

To achieve this, a wide-ranging project has been drawn up, covering the installation of photovoltaic systems and smart room monitoring systems, the replacement of old boilers and lamps with the latest technologies, and the insulation of the envelopes.

In addition to the role of financial investor, Sinloc also plays the role of financial economic advisor in the project with a planning, control and budgeting activity, as well as financial arrangement service.

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