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Progetto Isom S.p.A.

Italia | Emilia Romagna | Bologna

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Azienda Ospedaliera S. Orsola Malpighi Bologna


1 gennaio 2011

Data inizio

1 gennaio 1753

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
3.400.000,00 €
Energy transition
Public Administration
Piano economico finanziario
Partenariato Pubblico Privato
Efficienza energetica
Sinloc together with other partners established Progetto ISOM contributing to a vast upgrade of the plant system of one of the largest hospital areas in Italy. This enabled a significant increase in plant performance from the construction period. A reduction of about 31 percent in energy consumption of the hospital facility has been achieved. In terms of polluted emissions, reductions of more than 50% are estimated for PM10 and NO2 and about 20% in terms of CO2 and CO. The project was the winner of the 2015 CESEF Energy Efficiency awards.


The needs of the project company with regard to the intervention of Sinloc can be summarized in: contribution to the patrimonialization of the company, sharing of financial economic solutions consistent with the risk profile/ target return of the operation, Definition of optimal governance and contractual aspects, structuring and negotiation of non-recourse credit lines and related financial and commercial contracts, continuous monitoring of project performance.


The intervention was structured in several phases: from support in the tender phase to one of the competitors, which was then awarded, with risk analysis and sensitivity, preparation of the Business Plan and the project contracts, through the investment in the company with a minority stake and the subsequent structuring and negotiation of a project bond of about 32 million euros, up to the planning, control and budgeting of the project company.


Sinloc, together with other partners, has set up Progetto ISOM, a project company (SPV), contributing to a vast redevelopment of the plant system of one of the largest hospital areas in Italy. This has allowed a significant increase in the performance of the plants from the period of construction, as there have also been renovations on obsolete structures. At the end of the intervention it is estimated a reduction of about 31% in energy consumption of the hospital with the consequent saving of public resources. In terms of polluted emissions, reductions of more than 50% for PM10 and NO2 and around 20% in terms of CO2 and CO are estimated. The project won the CESEF Energy Efficiency awards 2015 in the finance category and was chosen as good practice in Paris at the World Climate Conference.

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