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Participatory design of the cultural hub of the former Caserma Beleno in Venaria Reale

Italia | Piemonte | Venaria Reale

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Comune di Venaria Reale


1 aprile 2024

Data inizio

30 settembre 2024

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Art, Culture and Tourism
Education and Innovation
Urban regeneration
Public Administration
Piano economico finanziario
Assistenza tecnica al RUP
Partenariato Pubblico Privato
Assistenza tecnica
Studio di fattibilità
Accompaniment to the participatory design of the Culture Hub of Venaria Reale in the area of the former Beleno barracks (development plan from 7 Mln€, financed by the PNRR and regional funds). The project of urban regeneration, social and cultural innovation has the aim of revitalizing a previously abandoned urban area and develops in continuity with the feasibility study "Ri-Abitare Venaria" carried out under the call "Urban Perspectives" of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo with the support of Sinloc and Fondazione Fitzcarraldo.


As part of the urban regeneration project "Ri-Abitare Veneria", which aims to revitalize the historic city center, the need arises to outline the transformation of the former Caserma Beleno into a Cultural Hub through a specific path of accompaniment to participatory and shared design with the community and stakeholders, in order to design effective and quality living spaces and services.


Sinloc works with the municipality of Venaria Reale to structure the participatory path aimed at defining the regeneration of the former Caserma Beleno, with particular attention: the increase of the services offered to the resident population to support the permanence and the housing quality, to the requalification of the urban context of the historical center through the strengthening of the physical and relational connections.
Sinloc is responsible, in collaboration with Fitzcaraldo Foundation, for the activation of the co-planning process defining objectives, expected results and business plan of the initiative, the realization of formal guidelines for an effective and shared management of spaces and to encourage social accompaniment and facilitation of the local development process.

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