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Padua Botanical Garden: management model and a financial business plan for expansion

Italia | Veneto | Padova

Sinloc SpA

Group Company

Università degli Studi di Padova


1 maggio 2013

Start Date

1 novembre 2013

End Date


Project Status
Art, Culture and Tourism
Urban regeneration
Public Administration
Piano strategico/action plan
Piano economico finanziario
Definition and development of the organisational management model and financial business plan with the aim of ensuring the long-term economic and financial sustainability of the expansion of the Botanical Garden in Padua, In line with the revitalisation objectives of the whole surrounding area.
The construction of the "garden of biodiversity", a dome of glass and concrete 100 meters long and 18 high, with an area of 15 hectares dedicated to all plants in the world, required an investment of about 15 Mln/€ and generated positive impacts in the management of spaces and services of the Botanical Garden.


The University of Padova needed to define and develop an organizational management model and a financial business plan with the aim of ensuring long-term economic and financial sustainability of the expansion of the Botanical Garden of Padova, In line with the revitalisation objectives of the whole surrounding area.


The project started with the identification of strategic priorities and analysis of the organizational structure and the initial economic management situation. Through the market and case study analysis, it was possible to identify best management practices, possible synergies and areas of efficiency in the management model. Finally, the organizational model to be pursued was defined and
The initiative’s economic and financial sustainability profiles have been verified.


The intervention has helped to identify a series of actions and strategic initiatives that can expand the attendance and use of the services of the Botanical Garden, contain the increase in the economic deficit of management, to set strategic changes in governance and its management, and define an action plan for medium/long-term economic sustainability.

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