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Interporto Solare s.r.l.

Italia | Veneto | Padova

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Interporto Solare s.r.l.


1 gennaio 1753

Data inizio

1 gennaio 1753

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Urban regeneration
Energy transition
Partenariato Pubblico Privato
Fonti energia rinnovabile (FER)
Construction and operation of a rooftop photovoltaic plant at the Padua Freight Village facilities with a total capacity of about 12 MWp under a PPP scheme. Investment for 55 mln€, the work has long been one of the rooftop photovoltaic plants in Italy involving more than 250 thousand square meters on 17 different warehouses. The work was financed with €41.5 mln of debt and enjoys Conto Energia incentives
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