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Fondo Tematico Piani Urbani Integrati

Italia | Lazio | Roma

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Imprese private


6 aprile 2023

Data inizio

31 marzo 2026

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Fund Management
Urban regeneration
Investors and Financial institutions
Assistenza tecnica
Technical assistance to the Integrated Urban Plans Fund, a financial instrument from PNRR resources promoted by the EIB and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Management of the phases of scouting and structuring of urban redevelopment interventions in the 14 metropolitan cities, in collaboration with Finint Bank and Finint SGR, for an endowment of resources equal to 103 million euros.
The Fund finances private and public-private investments aimed at promoting, sustainable urban regeneration, social inclusion, energy efficiency and digital innovation.


The Fund is aimed at strengthening the interventions foreseen in the framework of the Metropolitan Cities' integrated urban plans under the project line 'Integrated Plans - M5C2 - Investment 2.2' of the PNRR, through the support of projects promoting social inclusion and addressing the various forms of vulnerability, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic emergency.


The Fund may intervene by covering approximately 50% of the eligible expenses of a project, from a minimum of EUR 15 million up to a maximum of EUR 30 million; the remaining component of each project may be covered by any other form of financing.
The Fund may intervene through
- Debt: i) provision of financing, with an amortisation period of up to 30 years for investments, ii) subscription of bonds issued by companies (mini-bonds)
- Equity and quasi-equity
In the case of intervention with Debt, the interest rate is calculated as IBOR + spread (SDG-linked).
The final disbursement date is 31/03/2026.

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