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Feasibility study for the reuse of the Villa Cuccoli complex in Monte San Pietro (BO)

Italia | Emilia Romagna | Monte San Pietro

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna


17 dicembre 2021

Data inizio

12 agosto 2022

Data fine


Stato progetto
Urban regeneration
Non-Profit Organizations
Studio di fattibilità
Feasibility study aimed at the social reuse of the complex of Monte San Pietro.
Sinloc has carried out an initial drafting of the feasibility study, in order to verify the sustainability profiles of a multi-user project that allocates the complex to social welfare activities.
The activity, carried out in partnership with the social and health services of the territory, has outlined a mix of projects that meet the needs and can enhance the peculiarities of the site.
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