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Feasibility study for the construction of a Museum Complex in the Municipality of Monserrato (CA)

Italia | Sardegna | Monserrato

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Comune di Monserrato


1 maggio 2021

Data inizio

31 dicembre 2023

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Art, Culture and Tourism
Urban regeneration
Public Administration
Studio di fattibilità
Feasibility study to evaluate the construction of a Museum Complex in the Municipality of Monserrato (CA), in which it brings together exhibitions already present in the municipality and other newly developed: Railway Museum, Wine Museum and Archaeological Museum.
The project highlighted the strategic scope of the intervention from the point of view of cultural, environmental and social impacts and evaluated the feasibility of urban regeneration and recovery of abandoned production areas.
The project involves areas owned by the city and the ARST on which, next to the Museum Pole, there will be a public park with catering, commercial and service spaces for edutainment activities.
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