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Assistance to the transformation of five Strategic Areas within the Livorno POC Creative Hangars

Italia | Toscana | Livorno

Sinloc SpA

Società del gruppo

Comune di Livorno


1 aprile 2023

Data inizio

31 dicembre 2023

Data fine

In Corso

Stato progetto
Art, Culture and Tourism
Urban regeneration
Public Administration
Assistenza tecnica
Technical assistance in the choices of urban planning of the Operational Plan (OP), concerning to the transformations of the settlements of five urban areas considered strategic for the future city planning.
The activities have been mainly focused in carrying out an analysis of economic and social feasibility on the areas of strategic transformation (ATS) assessing the social value of the expected changes and measuring the creation of the public value that can be generated. In addition, the conditions for the activation of PPPs were determined and, consequently, the forecasts actually achievable over the period of the OP were included.
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